Tuesday, November 3, 2020
IP-Group Awarded a Contract for Eco-Friendly Plastic
We are proud and honored to be awarded a contract to supply The World Biggest Humanitarian Organisation with unique products based on Eco-Friendly Plastic. Our IPG Innovation Hub is designed as a Circular Economic Value Concept. To be awarded a contract with The World Biggest Humanitarian Organisation gives us the opportunity to put the United Nations Sustainable Goals on Top of our agenda.
If our eco-friendly material is left in organic compost, it degrades. The additive accelerates the degradation of treated plastics in microbe-rich environments, such as a biologically active landfill. It attracts microbes to the product allowing them to colonize on the surface of the plastic. Once the microbes have colonized on the plastic, they secrete acids that break down the polymer chain. Microbes utilize the carbon backbone of the polymer chain as an energy source and utilize plastic as food.-Geir Vidar Persen, Sales Director IP-Group

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